A mobilized &
impact-driven community.

The climate crisis persists to be the greatest challenge of our time. Though one might wonder where to begin, it all starts with a small step. We believe in turning individual action into collective impact. Our community gets stronger with each and
every Nextepper.

Water Crisis


Water Crisis

Developing countries suffer the most from the water crisis and harsh living conditions. Today, 1 in 3 people in Africa don't have access to clean drinking water and safe sanitation systems. Lack of water infrastructure makes it difficult for locals to sustain their daily lives.


Climate Crisis

Millions of people are threatened by the climate crisis. Emissions resulting from human activities lead to rising temperatures, rising temperatures and extreme weather events. Besides its planetary impacts, climate crisis intensifies water scarcity in climate-vulnerable regions.

United Action


United Action

A challenge affecting all can only be solved by all. We believe in the power of individual impact and we want to create a community united by a shared purpose. Africans take less steps to access clean water as you take more with Nextep. Take this chance to become a part of united action.


Sustainable Development

Each step turns into funding for borehole projects which offer co-benefits for locals and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All projects are verified by Gold Standard.

Shared Purpose

We are at a crossroads.

We either choose to wait or act. Nextep allows you to take steps for people lacking water access in Africa. Here, a step counts more than one. As Nexteppers, we can set out on a journey towards an
equal and sustainable future.

Nextep - Shared Purpose Nextep - Shared Purpose
Nextep - Shared Purpose Nextep - Shared Purpose


Gold Standard Climateware Net Zero İsar Group

Join the Nextep Community!

We believe in the power of an eco-conscious community. We also believe sustainability-minded individuals like you can make a change together.

Let your steps add value to the planet!

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